Working together is good business. Challenge us.

Software Ports

We can help you port your software and its dependencies to musl libc and supported architectures so that your business can take full advantage of the Adélie platform.

Performance Profiling

Whether it's a single application or a complex interconnected system, we can help optimize your software to meet your requirements.

System Integration

We can help you pull off your next project. Ask us how the Adélie platform could fit the bill.

Managed Cloud

This is a buzzword. We're technology experts and we can provide many of the services your business needs. Just tell us which ones.

Data Storage

We can help with your data storage needs including access, hardware, software, maintenance, and performance.

Service Contracts

The Adélie platform already takes you far. Service Contracts are for when you just don't want to think about your infrastructure at all.


We consider requests that align with our objectives on a pro bono basis.

For services that necessitate payment, we will gladly refer you to one or more consultants with the hope that they can meet your needs. In many cases, they will also consider donating to our project, which is our goal.

Adélie does not officially endorse or guarantee any third-party support.

Independent by design.

Adélie is an independent Linux distribution committed to integrity, privacy, and user freedom. Your donation might be tax-deductible.